Because of this, she stylized herself after the ancient ninja, even styling her two lightsabers after ninja-to. She could seemingly disappear and strike suddenly with deadly precision. Her greatest skill, however, was her ability in steath. "Xia was an average swordsman, but had great patience. So not only do you get my Xia items, you get his truly outstanding robes as well! I urge you to read his readme file (included) for proper descriptions, instructions and "how to's". He was kind enough to allow me to include the entire mod just so it would be easier for everyone to install. Without it, Xia's robes wouldn't have been possible. This mod also includes RedHawke's Bastila Clothes for the PC mod. So.in lieu of waiting for something that may not happen, you can edit your own :) Perhaps later I may release a booster pack including the other 2 flesh tones, but for now I have included Master Files for the Robe & Hilt skins (layered. Due to time restraints (and me being lazy), the skin for the armor is naturally meant for the Asian skin-tone female PC's. Stylized after Xia Terashai's history, these items are geared towards stealth and scoundrel type abilities. This set includes custom Armor & a new model of Shortsaber. Originally meant to be a custom made mod for JediKnight72482, he was gracious enough to allow me to release this publicly.

Please read the "Usage" section in order to find out where Xia's items are located now ** ** This mod version includes a fix for my previous release (v1). (please put 'Kotor' somewhere in the subject)

↺10 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) To create shortcuts to your favorite games!

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